
Showing posts from January, 2018

AnuKathaa: Story 1: Mukti Kuteer

Over the past year, as I got more regular with my writing, I've been having this thought of segregating my writings based on the genre. So, this new blog called AnuKathaa.....which is a pun of sorts because these are SMALL stories written by ANU..... So, without further ado, let's get on with it. Here's the first short story I wrote in usual, I'm waiting eagerly to hear your thoughts and suggestions in the 'Comments' section  .... Mukti Kuteer Prompt: The Bridge | Word count: 1200 words exactly | Genre: Mystery Finally, we are here. So, this is the place. What a tiny name board for a place that makes such tall claims. “Mukti Kuteer” looks like nothing more than an ordinary guesthouse in Kashi. But the name reveals its special purpose. This is where people – like my master Babuji – go, to die. Yes, that’s right….I was shocked too, when I first heard of it. I mean, how can someone promise death escort services in a holy land? Isn’t that a sin? But no...