Shanti Nilaya: Abode of Peace
The South Africa based writers group of which I'm a part, conducts a short story competition towards the end of every year. Writers from across the world participate. This year, I decided to try my hand, too. Aaannddd...guess what? Somehow, I ended up as one of the runners-up!!! And, please, no, the prize is not for my 'Guddi' story, that so many readers found unpalatable. This is a different one, and the prompt was "The Cottage". So, here's the story I wrote. As usual, I'm waiting to hear how you found it! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I smoothed out the notes and arranged the coins and counted them yet again. Fifty rupees only. Definitely not enough to get back home as early as my mother demanded. I walked out of the hostel room, and found myself knocking Ranga’s door. “What’s the matter with you?” asked Ranga at once. “My grandfather is seriously ill. Amma wants me to come immediately. But you know, my financial situation…” “Hey, don’t worry,...