2019: Poem 1: The Wall of Thinopo

POETRY - the word itself creates a sense of some haunting and beautiful emotion. Many, many years ago, I had, on occasions, written some poems - probably about 3 or 4 pieces. Ever since I started seriously writing - on my blog, and the short stories - I never ever imagined myself writing poetry. I always believed I'm not poetic enough or artistic enough or creative enough or bright enough or sad enough or mad enough to do so. But I hate giving up on a challenge. So, when this year, my South Africa-based writers group came up with a poetry challenge - 12 Poems in 12 Months - I signed up for it. Being preoccupied with things to be done in the real world, I didn't have the mental space to let my imagination soar. So, I did the best thing I could. I thought up a story with a little lesson (like I do with my stories 😊 ) and got it to flow with rhyme and rhythm. So maybe it's more cerebral than emotional. Do read and let me know what you thought of it .... ...