
Showing posts from June, 2020

2020: Story 6: What Worked and What Didn’t

The prompt for June's story was "It Didn't Work" and the word count, 1800 words. I left the writing of the story for the-hour-after-the last-minute and so, had to really rush through the process at breakneck speed. I'm still a little dazed as I wait for it to get approved and go up on the 12 Short Stories website (the South Africa-based writing group which I'm a part of). In the meantime, I'm posting the story here for your reading pleasure, dear readers, and I'll be waiting, as always, to hear your thoughts! Madhu stepped into the dark room and gingerly picked her way towards the low bed in the corner. A musty smell assailed her at once. Switching on the light, Madhu saw the stink came from Ma’s clothes lying under the bed. Picking up the offending pile, she dumped it into a cane basket nearby. She’d wash them later.  Unbidden came the resentment at having one more task added to her already busy day. Fast on its heels came a sense of co...