2020: Story 12: Walking with my Friend

This is story number 12 of 2020 - and as I type out the title, I'm reminded yet again that this year is drawing to an end. A year that threw the entire world into the chaos that we're still learning how to deal with. The prompt for this month's story was "Hyped". Young people often use this word to indicate the feeling of being ecstatic, pumped up, or extremely excited . However, the dictionary definition of the word 'hype' is given as "To publicize or promote something intensively, in a way that attracts interest, often by exaggerating the benefits." This is the context in which I set this story. Happy reading, and waiting to hear your thoughts! “Rama, I won’t be joining you on our morning walks from tomorrow,” said Shalini on the phone. Was that a note of diffidence that made her sound different today? “What happened, Shalini? Hope all is well with you?” “Oh yes, I’m good. It’s just that my daughter got me signed up at the Hot Reform...